Update from Hope Chiropractic – March 16, 2020

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  • March 16, 2020

We wanted to provide an update regarding our office and the emerging issue around the coronavirus.  Yes we are open and serving our community at this time.  Your health always has been and will continue to be our #1 priority. We have been monitoring the advice from Alberta Health Services and following all recommendations by AHS and the Alberta College and Association of Chiropractors.

Some steps we have taken to enhance cleanliness in the office are as follows:
1. Wiping down high touch areas every hour throughout the office
2.  Removing high touch items such as the kids’ toys, magazines and daily handouts (sorry kids!)
3.  Our team will be signing you in as you arrive, rather than having you use the sign-in computers & keyboards. When you arrive for your appointment, please come see one of the ladies at the front desk to get you checked in!
4.  Dr. Brad has hand sanitizer and is washing his hands frequently throughout the day

We ask that you please avoid coming to the office if:
– You have traveled outside Canada since February 27, 2020 (as per Alberta Health Services, self isolation is recommended for 2 weeks prior to engaging in regular activities)
– You have a fever, cough and/or nausea
– You had close contact with a person with a confirmed or probable case of COVID-19
– You had close contact with a person with acute respiratory illness who was in mainland China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Iran, South Korea, Japan, or Italy since February 27, 2020
If you have any of the above symptoms, please contact Health Link at 811

We have plenty of soap and water to wash your hands before and after your appointment.  Thank you for understanding and we will keep you updated should anything change!

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our office at 780-469-4438

Yours in health,

Drs. Brad and Genevieve Ford