We are excited to let you know that our clinic will be reopening on Tuesday, May 5th to our amazing community! Our team is eager to serve you once again. There are some changes you should be aware of so that we can maintain a healthy environment. We appreciate you taking the time to read the updates!
1. Adjustment appointment times
We will be changing to half hour appointment time blocks in lieu of one hour time blocks. This will allow for some flexibility but also allow physical distancing requirements to be maintained. We appreciate you arriving at your designated appointment time block only.
2. Are you immunocompromised or consider yourself high risk and feeling uncertain about public places? Please call our team so that we can accommodate you and ensure you can receive the care you need during this time.
3. Shoes
You may leave your shoes on while in the clinic. Please do remove them in the front entrance or place a shoe covering on them if they are wet or muddy. Thank you
4. Help us to help you!
Our team is doing everything we can to make your visit as efficient as possible in order to limit the time you will be in our office, we thank you for your cooperation! If you currently pay with cash, please consider taking advantage of our monthly billing system and leaving a credit card or chequing account information on file or prepaying for appointments to lessen the interaction time at the front desk. (we will still accept cash at this time)
5. COVID-19 Screening
Our team is required to screen you prior to scheduling you an appointment. The screening questions will also be asked of you when you sign in for your appointment at our front desk. If you screen positive by answering yes to any question, we cannot schedule you an appointment until you can answer no to all of the questions. If at any time prior to your appointment you would answer yes to any question, please call our office to reschedule.Thank you for your understanding!
The screening questions will be as follows:
- Do you have current symptoms of COVID-19, such as: a fever, a new or changed chronic cough, a sore throat/runny nose/nasal congestion or shortness of breath that is not related to a known or preexisting condition?
- Have you traveled internationally within the last 14 days?
- Have you had unprotected close contact with individuals who have a confirmed or presumptive diagnosis of COVID-19?
6. Masks
We promise under our masks we are smiling & happy to see you!!! Be aware due to requirements from our regulatory association Dr. Brad will be masked at all times providing care and our team may also be wearing a mask if they are within close contact.
7. Hand hygiene
It is a new requirement that practice members entering the clinic perform hand hygiene by either washing your hands with soap and water or using the hand sanitizer we will have available at the front desk. Thank you for your cooperation.
8. KIDS!!
Kids, we haven’t forgotten about you! Stickers will be available at the front desk -one of our team members will be happy to give you one on your visit. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide any toys for you to play with while you’re here but you are welcome to bring something from home.
We thank you for your cooperation and understanding with our new requirements and changes. For your health we are also introducing a new standard of sanitizing and cleaning high use areas. We look forward to serving you soon!!! You can call 780-469-4438 or email info@hopechiropractic.ca to get you and your family scheduled in starting tomorrow. See you soon!
-Dr. Brad & The Hope Team