I Can Do Everything Without Worry
I first started coming to Hope Chiropractic because my back was in horrible shape and sleeping or sitting was a task. After receiving chiropractic care not only do I feel younger, but I am able to move well. I do not worry about going camping, hiking, or sitting through a flight or a full day of work.
Do yourself a favor and try out Hope Chiropractic. It is your health and it is worth the investment! I was skeptical when I first started, but that has turned to enthusiasm. Just do it!
- Chris

Less Pain & Better Focus at School
Since starting chiropractic care I haven’t been getting as many head and body pains! My mom has also noticed that I seem calmer and focused, especially with school work. She has also noticed that I no longer have sharp pains in my forehead that were occurring up to a couple of times a day!
- Sierra

Many Positive Changes
I first started chiropractic care because I had lower back pain that radiated into my left leg. I was fearful to engage in recreational activities as minimal as walking greater than 20 minutes. I was missing work once a month for 1-2 days and my relationships were also strained due to health concerns and not being able to do as much together. I had tried physiotherapy, over the counter pain meds, float therapy, ice and heat and massage therapy.
After receiving my specific chiropractic adjustments I have noticed that physically I can move freer and without pain. I have a more positive outlook on life, I am grateful, have less worry and less stress. Emotionally I feel freer, happy and am able to laugh more. I am no longer missing work. I can walk for hours, lift weights, do kickboxing and martial arts. My relationships are more connected.
- Shirley

Feeling Better
After receiving my specific chiropractic adjustments I am feeling a lot better! I have no more stomach pains! After Dr. Brad adjusted my knee the pain in my legs and back was gone. Dr. Brad is awesome!
- Elise

Feeling Better Overall
I first came to Hope Chiropractic because of poor body alignment, neck pain and wrist pain. The pain stopped me from working, gave me cramps in the affected areas and was painful and sore.
After receiving my specific chiropractic adjustments I have less pain and I feel stronger in the way that I hold myself! I can also move more fluently and feel not as rigid. I have noticed some positive changes in my mental health also.

Sleeping Better
I first brought my cute little guy to Hope Chiropractic because he was experiencing a sleeping issue. It was hard because my husband and I couldn’t have a good night’s sleep because our son Nathan didn’t sleep well.
After receiving his specific chiropractic adjustments, Nathan physically seems calmer and he will sleep more than 5 hours straight now!
- Gaelle (on behalf of Nathan)

Shoulders Are Free From Pain and My Son Sleeps Better
Prior to starting care my shoulders hurt from breast feeding to the point that it was getting hard for me to do anything. Specific chiropractic adjustments have helped my shoulders not to hurt anymore and I am able to stand up straight again!
After getting my family under chiropractic care my 5 month old sleeps so much better too.
- Jadyn

Enjoying Life Again
I had suffered from migraines and headaches for most of my life due to an accident that caused an injury to my TMJ. These headaches affected my life in many ways. I was constantly taking Tylenol, missing work and major events in my life. I became depressed and unhappy.
After receiving my specific chiropractic adjustments I was shocked at how fast the treatment had started working for me. I did not expect the treatment to work so quickly and actually work. I was very skeptical as I had tried and seen many specialists with no improvement. I noticed that after getting adjusted I had more energy, my headaches were decreasing in frequency, I could concentrate at work and I started to enjoy life again!
- Jennifer

Living in Optimal Health
What a wonderful time in my life this is! I do not think that I have ever felt so healthy and full of energy. When I first started with Dr. Brad I was very skeptical and apprehensive about this form of treatment. Within a few weeks of receiving my specific chiropractic adjustments I was virtually free of pain! I am a firm believer in this practice and realize how important it is to take care of one’s health and body.
- Ev

Steady Incremental Healing
I first started seeing Dr. Brad because I suffered from joint pain, back, hip, and knee pain due to rheumatoid arthritis. I was in constant pain! I had limited mobility and it was difficult for me to walk or lift things due to stiffness, plus it was affecting my sleep.
It wasn’t until I started weekly chiropractic treatments that I began to see steady incremental healing happening. After receiving my chiropractic adjustments I began to physically see steady progress forward. I can sleep, walk, and lift my grandkids now without pain. I have less fatigue and reduced inflammation, and feel more emotionally at peace. After dealing with this for the last 40 years I did not expect the level of healing that has occurred. I am now off all my prescription medications and anti-inflammatories and doing very well!
- Debra

Improvement of Neck Range of Motion!
I first started coming to see Drs. Brad and Genevieve because I was having significant back pain with pregnancy. I also brought my son in after his birth for a check-up and to prevent future health problems.
After receiving my specific scientific chiropractic adjustments the changes I have noticed are: improvement in my level of back pain, but also improvement in my chronic neck and shoulder pain (secondary to clenching and grinding my teeth). My son’s range of motion in his neck has improved; previously he favored one side and I always had his head turned in that direction.
What I want to tell others about Hope Chiropractic is that it is a very warm and welcoming environment. Drs. Brad and Genevieve are extremely loving and passionate about what they do and the people they treat.
- Trina & Charlie

I Can Run Again
I first started care because I had chronic back pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis. I was constantly in pain. I couldn’t run or exercise and I struggled to play with my kids.
After receiving my specific chiropractic adjustments I can run again and keep up with life! Another positive change I didn’t expect is that my restless legs also went away!

Able to Dance Again
I had a back injury due to lifelong structural alignment issues and spondylolisthesis. Because of my injury I had to stop dancing abruptly. I was in excruciating pain; I could not stand up straight, could barely walk, and also could not sit for long. After receiving my specific chiropractic adjustments I was able to walk and dance again!
All my life I have been bothered by structural imbalances that affected me in subtle but significant ways; balance, core strength, dance potential, and even clothes fitting properly. Dr. Brad brought alignment to my spine and pelvis that I only dreamed I could have. I now have better posture, balance and core strength than ever before and my clothes fit properly now! All of these results from chiropractic have had an incredibly positive impact on my attitude and optimism about my physical potential. This is invaluable to me.
- Jolene

Finally – Long Lasting Relief From Pain!
I first started coming to see Drs. Brad and Genevieve at Hope Chiropractic because for years I have had pains in my back. Previous chiropractors would be able to alleviate the pains, but only temporarily. Dr. Brad’s approach was something different from other chiropractors, so I wanted to try it out.
After receiving my specific scientific chiropractic adjustments I have noticed that I have no more pains or muscle tightness in my back! I sleep better at night and I have noticed that my overall mood has improved since my whole body feels better.
What I want to tell others about Hope Chiropractic is if you have never done chiropractic before, Hope is a great place to start. If you have done treatments before, but are not getting the results you want, I would highly recommend Hope. It’s made a huge difference for me!
- Chris

Big Improvement In My Foot Pain
I first consulted Drs. Brad & Genevieve for the severe foot pain I was experiencing in both of my feet. It was so bad that it was to the point that I was having trouble walking. I’d suffered from the foot pain for years. There were days I was in tears and terrified of ending up in a wheelchair because of how severe they were.
Initially, I had doubts that chiropractic would help but now I hardly have any foot pain!
I would recommend chiropractic to others in a heartbeat!
- Elizabeth

Able to Play With My Grandchildren Again!
I first started coming to see Drs. Brad and Genevieve at Hope Chiropractic because my neck and shoulders were so sore that it was sucking the life out of me. I could not function properly on a daily basis and could not pick up my grandchildren and play with them.
After receiving my specific scientific chiropractic adjustments I have noticed that I have minimal to no pain in my neck, shoulders, and arms! I am able to play with my grandchildren again and my back (which I wasn’t even aware hurt) is in really good shape. I feel generally better health wise and my blood pressure is stabilizing.
What I want to tell others about Hope Chiropractic is that the team is genuinely concerned with helping you with specific pain but also with feeling better overall. My life has been made better both physically and mentally!
- Kathy

No More Migraines and Headaches
After receiving my specific chiropractic adjustments I am sleeping better, I’ve stopped getting migraines and headaches, and I feel happier because I’m not in constant pain anymore!
You need to give chiropractic a chance. A good foundation takes time to set, but once it is you will feel the success come on rapidly!
- Trish

Shocked at How Great I’m Feeling
After receiving care I no longer have any pressure in my shoulders and I have minimal back pain! Hope Chiropractic is the absolute best, I would highly recommend getting care from them. I’m shocked at how great my back is starting to feel!
- Zabeen

I Can Play With My Kids and Be a Dad
After receiving my specific chiropractic adjustments the biggest change that I have noticed is that I can play with my kids now without any pain! I don’t have pain anymore when I hold my son and I’m also now able to bend over without pain when helping my daughter in the bath. I am so happy I can just be a dad!
Give chiropractic a shot, don’t be skeptical like I was. I have seen significant changes!
- Cory

I’m Able to Go Back to the Gym
I finally found a practice that wasn’t out to just make money but was truly out to help me get my life back. I no longer have issues shoulder checking or working at my desk for eight hours. I also have been able to go back to the gym for training!
If you want the best results for the best price and for a happier and healthier you, you need to check out Hope Chiropractic! Not only is the care effective and affordable, it’s the best run practice I’ve had the pleasure of being treated at.
- Kyla